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Our Partnership toServe Hawaii Together

Learn more about how we can collaborate to fill a housing need and serve Hawaii families together.

HalePlus in Collaboration with Professional Contractors

As part of Hawaii’s building industry for nearly 100 years, weʻre excited to bring you this opportunity to provide an affordable housing solution for Hawaii Island. We value our partnership with contractors, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, other specialists and building industry professionals like you and invite you to learn more about how we can collaborate to serve Hawaii families together.

The rate of housing production is not keeping pace with demand.

The HalePlus® program was created to fill a need for small, permitted homes. Modular homes will be complementary to the traditional home building option and serve a new and eager group of prospective homeowners who are priced out of the current housing market. Your role in the sale, coordination, transportation, installation and finishing of HalePlus homes represents an opportunity for building industry professionals to serve a new, growing market of people looking for small homes and to help address Hawaii’s affordable housing crisis.

Why Partner with HalePlus?

Here’s how HalePlus works for you and your business.

  • HalePlus homes are completed and assembled in our factory, so you can enjoy faster to timeline to completion.
  • Meet an incredible housing need to serve Hawaii families.
  • Be on the forefront of factory built housing as a new, and growing trend for low cost, smaller footprint homes.
  • Leverage future potential as this new genre of affordable home construction grows.
  • Enter the market in lockstep with HPM as a trusted partner.

HalePlus Briefings for Contractors & Live Demonstrations

We invite all Hawaii Island licensed contractors and building professionals to join us for a complimentary briefing to learn about HalePlus first-hand and to be part of a live transportation demonstration of a modular unit via crane.

Key Demonstration Highlights:

  • Complimentary, in-depth 4-hour session
  • HalePlus overview
  • Permitting requirements
  • Site preparation
  • Guidelines and safety measures for transporting and installing
  • Hands-on demonstration of modular home transport via crane


HPM will be sharing the list of licensed contractors who participate in our demonstration with interested HalePlus homeowners so they can easily find and connect with contractors like you. * COVID-19 health and safety protocols will be closely observed.

Call contact Dennis Lin at (808) 731-1313 or to RSVP for an upcoming session today!


Pro FAQs

  • What HalePlus opportunities exist for contractors?

    HalePlus homes will be installed and finished on-site by licensed general contractors and subcontractors. We invite all licensed contractors to attend our HalePlus demonstrations to learn more about the process and how you can get involved.

  • What role does factory built housing play in the building industry?

    FBH is not going to be a solution for everyone and will not replace traditional residential home construction. Rather, FHB is meant to supplement and complement the current industry and provide additional resources to a large existing underserved market. HalePlus homes will use licensed plumbers, electricians and general contractors during the factory-build process as well as during the setting of the modules onsite. The significant number of affordable housing units needed over the next five years exceeds the capacity of the current industry to meet those needs. Essentially, HPM is not competing for the same market share of residential construction but rather sharing the expanded pie.

  • Are HalePlus homes in compliance with the County of Hawaii Construction Code?

    Yes. HPM has been and continues to be committed to working with the County Building Division on the application of the code as it pertains to and regulates FBH. HPM is committed to ensuring for the customer that the HalePlus units being built are comparable in quality and safety compliance to any other traditional site-built structure.

  • Is participation in the HalePlus Contractor Demonstrations mandatory to work on a HalePlus home?

    Through our HalePlus Contractor Demonstrations, we welcome the interest of all our contractor customers and the opportunity to discuss the implementation of this with everyone. Participating as a general contractor for HalePlus may not be attractive or of interest to all contractors. Participation in a demonstration is not mandatory to work on a HalePlus home and HalePlus homeowners can choose to work with any professional licensed contractor they prefer to transport, install and finish their HalePlus home.